My name is Jannaya Jensen, and I am working as a research assistant for the Canadian Modernist Magazines Project (CMMP).
The CMMP is a new digital humanities initiative funded by a PhD stipend from the Editing Modernism in Canada (EMiC) project. Once it secures the appropriate permissions, the CMMP’s goal will be to digitize and transcribe a selection of Canadian literary magazines so that they can easily be read, searched, and analyzed by scholars. As part of this mandate, the CMMP is also interested in confirming worldwide library holdings for selections of Canadian modernist magazines, including First Statement (1942-45) and Preview (1942-44).
According to WorldCat (, the University of Texas at Brownsville Library has holdings of Preview. However, we have not been able to find record of this holding when we search your catalogue directly through your library's website. Would you mind confirming with us whether this is a title that you own? If you do own this title, could you confirm with me the issues you have and any format they are available in (ie. original print versions, reprint, microform, etc.)? If there is any notable damage to any of your copies, we would be very grateful if you could also make note of that in your confirmation.
Thank you for your time.
Kind regards,
Jannaya Jensen
Research Assistant, Canadian Modernist Magazines Project
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada